I met Desdamona at the Abstracted Gallery in NE Mpls one evening a few years back. They had given me an entire wall in their Luck of the Draw show. Which worked out to be around 20+ drawings and paintings. It was the first time I had seen that much of my art in a gallery all at one time. And, yeah. It looked good.
All of the art was based in folk and fairy tales, the subconscious dreaming mind, and strong historical female figures. So I suppose it's really no surprise that she saw my work and needed to meet me. Those are her words, and I smile remembering her telling me the story of why she wanted my help creating the world she envisioned. She's just one of those rare, unassuming people who makes you want to do better. She makes you want to shine. So we spent the next couple years talking about poetry and daydreaming together about this world called No Man's Land. Until the album release party at Bedlam Theater in Lowertown St. Paul April 16th, 2016. My part in the project was to illustrate the six nursery-rhyme style poems to go along with her new album and the Siren sound project. All of these were projected behind the stage throughout the performance, and it was amazing. The show was intended to showcase the wealth of female talent we have here in the Twin Cities. Des knows this, and tirelessly strives to shine light upon all of us hard-working creative ladies who help make the arts community and culture here the wonderfully full and diverse environment that it is. That sentiment has taken root in my soul, and a flame has been kindled. Work hard, do better, and carve out space where ever we can for those who create from the heart. You can see all the artwork I did for the album, and buy a physical or digital download of the No Man's Land album here in Des's Pop-up Webshop: https://www.musicglue.com/desdamona/shop/ She has the prettiest show posters pairing her poetry with the corresponding illustration, t-shirts, and more!! Please take a moment to browse the offerings listed here and support her work! I have fine art prints of the No Man's Land illustrations listed in my webshop here: http://theimaginariumofangelhawari.bigcartel.com/ Along with a selection of other prints available directly from me. I hope you'll enjoy the music from Des's newest album! I'm so very grateful I got to tag along on this journey with her. Thank you, Des! Much love, ~Angel
detail of "Demure Little Beastie", pencil on arches paper, original postcard art by Angel Hawari. Hello Everyone! I'm happy to say I'll have art at a new gallery, Alexi Era in Mascoutah, Illinois, for a cause I love!
I'm honored to have this opportunity to exhibit with Aunia Kahn in her gallery, Alexi Era. And am really looking forward to this show! Aunia has decided to donate 100% of the proceeds to Bat World Sanctuary to help them continue the work they do in education and rehabilitation! Thank you, Aunia Khan, for having me!! I've always liked bats, and find them to be super interesting little critters! Not to mention to benefit they are in the areas they live. I wish I could make it for opening night! But there will be pictures online leading up to and during the show AND all artwork remaining after opening night well be made available online the next day! I love when galleries make time to do this!! So if you'd like to follow along with us and see all the artwork we're creating to help support Bat World Sanctuary, you can follow me & Alexi Era on Facebook & Twitter (that's where most of the teaser photos have been so far.) So please join us and help us make this fundraiser a success. Let's save some bats! Hoping this finds you all very well, ~Angel Hawari Opening Reception: October 24th 8-9PM (100+ Artists) Special Collector’s Preview: October 24th 6-7PM (RSVP: $20, [email protected]) All Remaining postcard will be posted online Oct 25th for sale online. Show Runs: Oct 24th - Nov 15th “Beauties of the Night” is an awareness and fundraising exhibition for the Bat World Sanctuary. The Exhibition will feature artworks on postcards from artists all around the world. All postcards will be priced $5-$50, and available to take home right away opening night. All postcards not sold at the opening will be available online the following morning. 100% of Proceeds Donated to the Bat World Sanctuary! We aim to raise awareness and create a special connection with our audience. 100% Donation to Bat World Sanctuary (batworld.org) Artists Exhibited: Alexandra Santaloci, Amanda Lollar, Andrea Ros, Angel Hawari, Angella Powell, Angie Mason, Aunia Kahn, Anita Inverarity, Anna K. Szalas, Arabella Proffer, Bella Harris, Billy Dyson, Billy Kheel, Cai Vail, Caitlin McCormack (Mr.Caitlin), Candace Mckay, Carissa Swenson, Catherine Moore, Celene Petrulak, Cora Crimson, Cory Benhatzel, Dana Glover, Danielle Dalechek, David Camisa, Davilock, Deborah Jackson, Dianita, Ellenstration, Encarni Diaz, Erich J. Moffitt, Gina Martynova, Gretchen Lewis, HeatherRose, Henry Schreiber, Inge Vandormael, Iris Compiet, Ivonne Carley, Jan Huling, Janae Corrado, Jay Hollopeter, Jay Schmetz, Jen Lightfoot, Jessica Ward, Jordan Wester, Julie Fordham, Juliette Vaissiere, Julie Zarate, Kathrine Perdue, Katsola, Kim Turner, Kirsten Flaherty, LadyVonBlack, Lauren Saxton, Laurie McClave, Lea Barozzi, Malady Charlotina, Mab Graves, Malissa Booth, Megan Buccere, Natasha Wescoat, Niki Solima, Olivier Castillon, Ouvra, Rian Marin, Richard A. Kirk, S. Fisher Williams, Sandra Hultsved, Sierra Kemp, Stephanie Allison, Sugar Fueled, Tammy Mae Moon, Tara Themm, Tiffany Toland-Scott, Tracy Lewis, Valentina Brostean, Vaness Foley, Yelley Alexi Era Gallery & Publishing 47 West Main Mascoutah, IL. 62258 Good morning you lovelies, you! I'm in the best mood this morning. Partially because I just got back from a week long visit in Louisiana with my sister & our family there for her wedding (Yay!) The wedding was beautiful, and I really like my new brother-in-law. He's been pretty much in the family for awhile now, they just made it official. AND some pretty cool mail was waiting for me when I got back!
A chunky mailing tube came from Jeral & Sarah Tidwell in Kentucky (more about that in a second), and letters from new penpals! I enjoyed reading them so much!! And will be writing back this week. I nearly forgot how wonderful real, personal letters can be. And it's so secret & private. I think I'm so used to writing online that I lost touch with how genuine a paper letter allows you comfortably be. I like it a lot. So if you want to swap snail mail, contact me for my p.o. box address, and I will write you back. I'm incredibly grateful my art attracts such wonderful people! I tip my hat to you because you all are some of the kindest, warmest, and most generous- hearted people I've come across. And I am thankful you want to have anything to do with me at all. This wouldn't be near as much fun by myself. Merci beaucoup! So! The Skateboard Art Project: This is artist Jeral Tidwell's baby. He's invited all his artist friends to create art that Landyachtz Longboards may choose to license for new skateboards. And there's a rumor of an art book in the near future too. I took a peek at the publisher, and it's a pretty cool rumor! But I don't want to get too excited yet (I can wait for confirmations), but it's pretty exciting and I'm happy I get to participate. This is looking like a really good opportunity to meet and talk to lots of other arts people all over the U.S. I'm making connections with a few already, and I'm definitely feeling like a small fish. I've got my work cut out for me it I wanna make the cut. I'll try to be better about updating my blog more regularly. There's just so much to do everyday that it gets tricky to squish everything in. But I will try. Thanks for coming to see what I'm up to! Hoping this finds you well, and have a great day! Sincerely, ~Angel Gods & Monsters 6: The Inhuman Hunger
The Abstracted Gallery 1618 Central Ave NE, Suite 110, MPLS, MN 55413 Opens Friday, October 24th 6:00 – Midnight You are invited to the 6th incarnation of the show that shocked the Midwest! The G&M series will showcase 70+ artists turning their favorite horror movies into works of art. NO RULES APPLY! It’s fun evening of delightfully creepy art by MN’s best & brightest artists working today! Costumes are encouraged, but not necessary. **Free and open to the public. Bar & live music compliments of the gallery** Dear friends~ I will have two works of art in this huge annual event! Hope you can join us. ~Angel Hawari ![]() I'm excited to announce that I've just added lots of new goodies to my Etsy shop for Spring! I've created a new series of characters I'm calling "Seasonal Distemper" to share with you! And you can see all the new originals, stickers & postcards I've made here. Thank goodness Spring is finally here! I'm not originally from the Midwest so the fact that it snows EVERY YEAR is still a little weird. And what's even weirder is the effect winter can have on one's sense of well being. I was starting to think there was something seriously wrong with me because I usually enjoy other people's company. Then suddenly all I wanted to do was hide from the entire world. Preferably under lots of warm blankets with fuzzy socks, and hot cocoa. Winter was particularly harsh this year. Long stretches of cloudy, subarctic temperatures were making normally congenial people, myself included, sullen and listless. The words "Polar Vortex" kept popping up all winter long usually accompanying -45 degree temperatures (that's with wind chill). For my friends in warmer climes, that's like "afraid you'll lose tender parts like noses, fingers, or toes in 60 seconds or less" kinda cold! It grates on the soul, and it's easy to believe the world will remain frozen forever. Which isn't true of course, but it still felt that way. This is where Seasonal Distemper comes in. Seasonal Distemper: I knew I needed an outlet for the funk I was in until Spring came to the rescue. Ignoring it wasn't helping, and my moping was only adding to the collective general malaise. I needed to put a face on what I was going through. And I'd like to give my friend, Marie, credit for helping come up with the name, Seasonal Distemper. It inspired the idea to make little people to feel grumpy for me. By the time I got to the third character, my grumpy little people were looking less grumpy, and I was feeling much better, too. A big thank you also to everyone who helped me play with ideas in the initial planning stages! You inspire me! There are four characters so far in the series: Miss Anne Thrope, Belle I. Gerent, Ameila Ration and Ambi Valent. Each name is a play on words. And gives personality to individual "states of being" leading up to Spring. I love writing to friends so I made postcards. And the enthusiasm of children is a powerful force for sticker-making! So I made stickers, too. You can find them in the new "Stickers & Postcards" section in my Etsy shop Here. Working on this series was a lot of fun, once I really got into the creative process, and I feel like I've learned a lot. I want to do more design projects in the future. No solid plans yet, but I'm sure I'll be starting more design related projects later in the year. Thank you for spending this time with me! I hope you're out enjoying some sunshine where ever this finds you! And to all who endured the wintery wastes with me, we made it!! Now let's all forget it ever happened ;) Best Wishes Always, ~Angel Hawari ![]() And in Gallery news! Gamut Gallery in MPLS has chosen my drawing "Steve Thinks He's an Octopus" for the The Lost Art show curated by Scott Seekins. You can read all about the show at Gamut's website here. Additional Events during the show: Glam Slam 8: Sat. 4/19/14 // 5:30-9PM Clothing Swap/Dress-up/Photo Shoot Exhibit Finale: Thurs. 4/24/14 // 7-10PM MINNEAPOLIS – Saturday, March 29, 2014, 7:00-11:00 p.m. is the opening reception for “The Lost Art;” the exhibit runs through April 26. There was a time when hand-drawing was paramount to communicating ideas, before literacy was common-place. Today artists have limitless reasons and ways to create. While the intention behind contemporary art is often purely aesthetic, Gamut Gallery challenges 20 artists to make a statement in the old style. Each piece communicates a message and brings light to an issue that is important to the artist and society at large. The Lost Art will be the most controversial exhibit at Gamut Gallery to date, addressing topics such as transgender sexuality, the food system, technology and racism. Hello Everyone! I have good new to share!
Gamut Gallery has chosen "Steve Thinks He's an Octopus" for The Lost Art show opening this weekend! Looking at the list of artists, I realized I know most everyone I'll be showing with. Which is nice because that means I'll get a chance to visit with them at the opening. I'm excited to have one of my personal favorites on display alongside works by so many talented local artists! Added bonus! Gamut Gallery is a joy to work with, and they have a sweet gallery space just off 10th street & Marquette Ave in Downtown MPLS! I'll have prints available at the opening party this Saturday, March 29th 7:00-11:00pm. Show runs March 29th - April 19th Read all about The Lost Art and it's curator, local arts icon, Scott Seekins, at Gamut's website here. Gamut Gallery MPLS 1006 Marquette Ave. S MPLS, MN 612-293-6497 [email protected] Gallery hours: Thursdays & Saturdays 2-6pm or by appointment. Join us for an arty party on the night of February 7th at Chowgirls Parlor! Curated by Rudy Fig and Katie Carpenter, this exhibition features a multitude of the Twin Cities’ favorite local artists who have been asked to conceptualize their own interpretations of the theme “Love Stories.” This exhibition will share original artworks from both emerging and mid-career local artists at a range of prices to accommodate beginning and longtime collectors alike. Detail of painting by Angel Hawari Come out and see what kind of Love Stories our artists have to share and check out some chocolate art from local chocolate wizards: St. Croix Chocolate. In addition to art, you are invited to partake in our extra silly Rudy-Fig-Designed Sweets themed photo booth and grab one of her limited edition prints. Have a drink and Play raffle games with awesome prizes donated by Ginger Hop, local artists, Smitten Kitten, Como Park Grill, Colossal Café and Holiday Inn and more! Participating Artists Include: Kaley Moradian, Allegra Lockstadt, Rob McBroom, Alex Kuno, Rudy Fig, DC Ice, Sara Syverhus, Angel Hawari, Gabby Mohlis, Chank, Nicholas Harper, Nate Vincent Szklarski, Jesse Golfis, Carolyn Kopecky, Eleventh-Wundr, Boxy Mouse, Caitlin Karolczak, Biafra, Amoreena Tarvas, Amina Harper, “Sketzel”
About Chowgirls Killer Catering: With a strong foundation and organic and sustainable practices, Chowgirls offers extraordinary, approachable food and memorable experiences with a creative, boutique aesthetic. Chowgirls resides at the top of Minnesota's special-events scene and hosts many private and public events. The Chowgirls Parlor is a bright open space, perfectly suited for gallery events. The event will feature complimentary Chowgirls appetizers and a cash bar with local micro beer, sustainable wines, and a seasonal craft cocktail. About the Curators: Invested in promoting and sharing art in Minneapolis, Rudy Fig and Katie Carpenter are the young entrepreneurial team that paired fine artists and pastry artists for the smash art show “Sweet Hot Mess.” Rudy is an internationally exhibiting fine artist who is very involved in the arts scene of the twin cities. Katie is a bread-baking guru with a sharp eye for all things awesome. Friday, February 7th 7-11pm Chowgirls Catering Parlor 1224 Second St NE MPLS 55413 Hello Everyone!
I wasn't going to do a sale for the holidays (I'll share why in a minute), but since I'd already started making gifty things earlier this year, I decided that maybe I did want to. It's fun making art that could possibly become gifts all wrapped up in pretty paper and bows. Just in case you haven't heard me say it before, LuminAngel is the Etsy shop for my studio. That is where I'll be hosting the sale. (Click here to visit the shop.) When you place an order at LuminAngel, the money from that sale goes directly to helping me create more art and maintain my studio space and practice. I appreciate every order. It means the world to me that you like what I do enough to bring it into your life. That's one of the things I love about art. It endures. Once you buy it, it's always yours. So this year I have new Mini-prints in Laser-cut frames! (Click here & here for photos) Each one has a small print of my drawing "Dragon House" set into a hand-painted, laser-cut, Fleur-de-lis patterned frame. Making each one different and one-of-a-kind. Some are glittery! And some are not. I love glitter myself, but selectively. I also have another prototype in the shop, Cat "Lover's Eye". Which is a humorous twist on traditional 'Lover's Eye' miniature paintings. (Click here to see photos of my Cat's Eye) (and here for info on traditional Lover's Eye paintings) Also, many of the originals included in the sale are generously discounted! So this is a great chance to get one of my original paintings or drawings at an exceptional price! And as always, I have lots of gorgeous prints. I hope you'll find something you’re really happy to share with your loved ones, or maybe little something special for yourself. Plus I have brand new drawings I've done on a whim of things that make me happy. (Click here for example) I’d also like to take a moment to thank you for spending this time with me. You've all been so wonderful, encouraging, helpful and all around awesome & supportive no matter what I’m getting into. I wish you all the very best! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Happy Holidays! Sincerely, ~Angel Hawari Oh yeah! I almost forgot. The reason I 'almost didn't' do this sale is because I've been putting nose to grindstone (since about mid-October) creating art for shows at a new local gallery! I think they must like me because they keep inviting me back ;) It's been a lot of fun doing big group shows with other dreamily-talented artists I admire. You can check out The Abstracted gallery here. Haha! Yes, I'm really happy about this. There are a limited number of places you can show the kind of art that draws directly from the root of your soul as an artist, and this is one of them. And they throw the most kick a** show opening parties, too. *Double Swoon* Have a lovely night everyone. Til next time. Hello everyone! I just wanted let you know I'm in three shows with The Abstracted before the end of the year! *Maze Wayz benefit show
*Gods & Monsters 5 *Sinister & Cotton Candy!!Hope you can come by and check out some or all of the shows coming up @ The Abstracted. They throw one heck of a party!For more info go to www.theabstracted.com ![]() Angel Hawari Art presents Magical Miscellany A collection of paintings & drawings by Angel Hawari Artist's Reception: Friday, Aug. 16th from 6-8pm Dunn Bros Coffee Edina 66th St. & York Ave. So. 6559 York Ave. So. detail of Hawk Moth's Respite on display at DB Edina Show dates: August 1st-31st This collection of artwork is based in my love of illustration-style art & lush detail. Fiction, history, and the natural world inspire many of the themes & characters in my work. And Macro photography helps me gather visual references for all the organic shapes, textures & structures I like to squish into my paintings & drawings. I hope you'll be able to come out and join me this Friday night! I'm excited about this year's new artwork and I can't wait for you to see it in person! Hope all's well. Best Wishes, ~Angel Hawari |
November 2022
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